What is a Bunion?
A bunion is a bone deformity caused by an enlargement of the joint at the base and side of the big toe (metatarsophalangeal joint). Bunions form when the toe moves out of place. This boney enlargement can make wearing shoegear difficult and can cause pain from constant friction or rubbing. In some cases, the big toe moves toward the second toe and rotates or twists, which is known as Hallux Abducto Valgus. Bunions can also contribute to other toe deformities, such as hammertoes.
The big toe joint is used with every step and as the size of a bunion increase so can one’s pain. Painful calluses and arthritis are also common findings due to the malposition of the joint.
Treatment for Bunions
Dr. Pedram Hendizadeh, DPM, FACFAS discusses what a bunion is and how our providers treat this painful foot condition including both conservative and surgical options.
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