
Welcome to Advanced Podiatry, located conveniently near Glendale in Maspeth, Queens! Our clinic is dedicated to providing specialized foot and ankle care that ensures you step confidently and comfortably. At Advanced Podiatry, we are committed to combining expert medical care with a personal touch, tailored to meet the unique needs of our community members.

Whether you’re struggling with chronic foot conditions or seeking preventive care, our highly skilled podiatrists utilize the latest technologies and treatment methodologies to offer you the best possible outcomes. Our clinic is just a short drive from Glendale, making expert podiatric care accessible and convenient. Discover why residents of Glendale trust Advanced Podiatry for all their foot and ankle health needs. Join us on a path to better mobility and improved quality of life.

Our Specialized Podiatric Services Near Glendale

Advanced Podiatry in Maspeth, offers a diverse array of specialized services tailored to address specific foot and ankle issues. Our clinic is equipped with the latest technologies and staffed by experienced professionals who are dedicated to improving your mobility and comfort.

  • Ankle Sprain Treatments: We provide comprehensive care for ankle sprains, ranging from mild to severe. Our approach includes advanced diagnostic tools, physical therapy, and customized recovery plans to ensure a quick return to daily activities.
  • Fungal Nail Treatments: Our clinic offers innovative solutions for fungal nail infections, using both topical treatments and advanced laser technology to effectively clear infections and restore the health of your nails.
  • Sports Medicine and Injury Recovery: We specialize in treating sports-related injuries and conditions affecting the foot and ankle. From preventive advice to recovery programs, our treatments are designed to get athletes back in action safely and effectively.
  • Pediatric Foot Care: Recognizing that children have unique foot care needs, we provide specialized services for our youngest patients. This includes treatment for common issues like flat feet, gait abnormalities, and ingrown toenails.

Residents of Glendale can benefit from the proximity of our advanced podiatric services in Maspeth, ensuring they have access to top-tier foot and ankle care without the need for extensive travel. Trust Advanced Podiatry to provide the expertise and care needed to keep your feet healthy and functional.

New Patients: Joining Our Advanced Podiatry Family

We welcome new patients from Glendale and the surrounding areas to experience the superior podiatric care provided at Advanced Podiatry in Maspeth/Queens. As you prepare for your first visit, here’s what you can expect and how to schedule your appointment:

  • What to Bring: Please bring your identification, insurance information, and any relevant medical records or imaging that pertains to your foot or ankle issues. If you have specific questions or concerns about your condition, consider writing them down so you can discuss them during your visit.
  • Patient Forms: To streamline your visit, we encourage new patients to fill out our patient forms in advance. These are available on our website and can be completed at your convenience before your appointment.
  • Initial Consultation: Your first visit will involve a thorough examination where we will assess your foot or ankle condition, discuss your medical history, and develop an understanding of your health needs and goals.

Ready to Step Towards Better Foot Health?

Don’t let foot or ankle pain hold you back any longer. Join the many residents from Glendale who have chosen Advanced Podiatry in Maspeth for exceptional foot care. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards a more active and comfortable life.

  • Book Online: Visit our website to easily schedule your appointment through our contact form or ZocDoc.
  • Call Us: If you have specific questions or prefer to book over the phone, our friendly staff is ready to assist you with scheduling and answer any questions you may have. Call us at 516-400-4508
  • Visit Our Clinic: Come see us at our Maspeth location at 70-01 Grand Ave. We’re here to help you understand our services, meet our team, and feel confident in your choice of care.

Take Action Now! Your feet are the foundation of your health. Let us help you keep them healthy and strong. Book your appointment with Advanced Podiatry today and experience the care that sets us apart.

Among the services we provide to the Glendale community are the following:

It is our pleasure to serve our patients as one of Glendale‘s top-rated podiatry offices. Whatever your foot needs may be, you can always count on our exceptional foot care team to take care of them. Bunions, hammertoes, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, fungal toenails, sports injuries, flat feet, high arched feet, neuromas, diabetic issues, gout, children’s foot deformities, warts, in-toe gait, out-toe gait, pigeon toes, and many others are among the conditions we treat.

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