Walk with Confidence Again! Expert Foot Care Near Halesite at Advanced Podiatry


At Advanced Podiatry, we understand how important healthy feet are to enjoying a happy, active lifestyle. Our podiatrists specialize in treating a wide range of foot and ankle problems so you can keep moving without pain. Here are some of the common issues we tackle:

  • Pain-Free Walking: Plantar Fasciitis and heel pain can stop you from exploring Halesite. We offer effective solutions to get you back on track.
  • Sports Injury Recovery: Whether you get hurt on the tennis courts or hiking the Halesite trails, our podiatrists can diagnose and treat sports injuries to get you back in action.
  • Comprehensive Foot Care: We handle a variety of other foot and ankle concerns, including toenail fungus, bunions, hammertoes, and diabetic foot care.

No matter what’s keeping you off your feet, Advanced Podiatry-Huntington has the expertise to get you back to enjoying all that Halesite has to offer.

Advanced Technology, Optimal Results:

We believe in using the latest advancements in podiatry technology to deliver the best possible care for our Halesite patients. Here’s how technology plays a role in your treatment:

  • Accurate Diagnosis: We utilize digital X-rays and ultrasound to capture clear, detailed images of your bones, soft tissues, and internal structures. This allows for a more precise diagnosis, leading to a more effective treatment plan for you.
  • Modern Treatment Options: Depending on your specific needs, we may incorporate innovative therapies like MLS laser therapy or shockwave therapy to promote healing, reduce pain, and accelerate recovery times.

By staying current with the latest technology, we ensure you receive the most accurate diagnosis and effective treatment for your foot and ankle concerns.

Welcoming Environment, Focused Care:

We understand that visiting a podiatrist can be stressful, especially if you’re experiencing pain.  At Advanced Podiatry, we strive to create a welcoming and comfortable environment where you feel at ease.  Here’s what you can expect:

  • Friendly Staff: Our friendly and compassionate staff will greet you warmly and answer any questions you may have.
  • Relaxing Atmosphere: Our comfortable waiting area and exam rooms are designed to put you at ease.
  • Personalized Attention: Our podiatrists take the time to listen to your concerns, understand your lifestyle, and develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

We prioritize clear communication and believe in a patient-centered approach to ensure you feel informed and involved in your healthcare journey.

Making an Appointment is a Breeze

Scheduling your appointment at Advanced Podiatry in Huntington, NY is quick and convenient. Call us today at (631) 427-3678 to speak directly with our friendly staff by and they can answer any questions you have and schedule your appointment at a time that works best for you. Or, you can skip the phone call and schedule your appointment online at your convenience

We accept most major insurances to ensure you get the care you need without worrying about the cost. Please call our office to confirm your specific insurance coverage.

Don’t let foot pain slow you down! Schedule your appointment today and take control of your foot health.

Among the services we provide to the Halesite community are the following:

It is our pleasure to serve our patients as one of Halesite’s top-rated podiatry offices. Whatever your foot needs may be, you can always count on our exceptional foot care team to take care of them. Bunions, hammertoes, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, fungal toenails, sports injuries, flat feet, high arched feet, neuromas, diabetic issues, gout, children’s foot deformities, warts, in-toe gait, out-toe gait, pigeon toes, and many others are among the conditions we treat.

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